Monday, December 20, 2010

Do What You Want

Tip of the Day:
"To make a change, I have to want to change."
Repeat that out loud to yourself.
Take a minute to let it sink in.
Nobody can talk you into it and nobody can force you to change. Deciding for yourself that you truly want something is the first and most powerful step towards realization.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Meal

Tip of the Day:
Did you know that according to the American Council on Exercise, the average person consumes about 3000 calories in one Thanksgiving meal alone and about 4500 calories throughout the day? Keep in mind that although one meal probably won't make or break your diet, you may be in trouble if you allow your Thanksgiving "meal" to span the time from 11AM to 6 PM. Go ahead and splurge for one meal, but just be conscious of it and you'll be able to get right back to your diet and fitness routine the next day without missing a step.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kids Play

Tip of the Day:
If you are concerned about your child's fitness level, understand that children don't respond well to structured exercise programs because they don't understand them. To kids, exercise for the sake of exercise is tedious and resembles homework. Exercise for children needs to be organic, a natural course of daily life. In other words, exercise shouldn't be the objective but rather the byproduct of living. Whether it's through play, sport, errands or family activities, the key is to provide the opportunities, or better yet, be the role model for an active lifestyle. And keep in mind, kids that spend more time playing outdoors are statistically healthier, happier, and more social.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Substitute for Sour Cream

Tip of the Day:
If you just can't go without sour cream on your mexican food, try substituting it with plain non-fat Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has a similar taste and creaminess as sour cream while being a much healthier option.

Here is the breakdown:

1 oz Serving    Sour Cream   Non-fat Greek Yogurt  
Calories60 17
Total Fat 5g 0g
Saturated Fat 3.5g 0g
Cholesterol 20mg 0mg
Carbohydrates 1g 1.2g
Protein1g 3g


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I ♡ Resistance Training

Tip of the Day:
Resistance training (weight training, strength training) is great for the cardiovascular system. It should be an essential component along with aerobic exercise, diet modification, and stress management in preventing hypertension due to its benefit of lowering blood pressure. Cardiovascular strain is proportional to your percentage of maximal strength involved during an activity. So the stronger you are, the less stress you will put on your heart throughout the day.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Variety for Consistency

Tip of the Day:
Consistent progress towards your fitness goals is highly dependent on continually challenging your body to avoid staleness. Similar to medication, your body will adapt and become less affected by the same type and dosage of exercise over time. If you have been stuck with the same workout for months now, chances are your body stopped seeing results a long time ago. So add variety. Whether it's changing the intensity, duration or even mode of exercise, your body will respond to change.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good Luck, Paige!

I wish Paige Clark the best of luck this weekend as she competes as a finalist for the Miss Maryland Teen USA title!

She has worked very hard and I know that she'll be awesome!

Friday, October 22, 2010

ACL Injury Prevention

Tip of the Day:
The risk of ACL injury, especially in females, in non-contact activities is highly related to hip and core strength and stability. Recent research suggests that the single most significant attributor to ACL injury in a change of direction movement is hip adduction, so incorporating hip abductor strengthening exercises is critical to any ACL injury prevention plan.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Snack Attack

Tip of the Day:
Although it is unclear whether or not exercise makes you want to eat more, there is no doubt that your body needs energy and nutrients following a workout. Be sure to consume a nutrient-dense snack or meal that includes protein and complex carbohydrates along with plenty of water after every workout. Preferably within an hour after you finish exercising. This will aid your body in its recovery, give you the energy you need, and will keep you from overeating later on.


I've recently deactivated my Facebook account. This is probably temporary, but I am looking to minimize distractions.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Introduction to Interval Training Seminar

Tip of the Day:
A recent article in CNN cited research that found that insufficient sleep could actually work against you for weight loss. It found that participants who got 8.5 hours/night of sleep on average lost 55% more body fat than those that only got 5.5 hours/night even when given the same diet, nutritional supplements and participated in similar physical activity.


Check out my free 1-hour seminar at the Big Vanilla in Arnold for a presentation on interval training followed by an intense 30-minute workout.

You must pre-register at the front desk or contact me here!

Here's a flyer for your viewing pleasure.

Good day!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Calf Stretches

Tip of the Day:
If you do a lot of running or spend a lot of time on your feet (especially in heels), chances are your calves are pretty tight. Tight calves over time can produce plantar fascia pain, ankle pain, shin splints, muscle strains, and knee pain. Save yourself with these simple stretches you can do daily, especially after a long day or a tough workout.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

MD bans handheld phones while driving

Tip of the Day:
As a kid did you ever hear that if you cross your eyes too much they'll get stuck like that? Well of course that's a myth, but there is some truth when you apply that logic to your posture. Keep slouching and over time you'll get stuck there. So keep reminding yourself to sit up tall, retract your shoulders and pull your chin back.


Just FYI...
Starting Oct. 1, it will be illegal to talk on a handheld phone while driving in Maryland.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still No Magic Shoe

Tip of the Day:
Some shoe companies are now marketing special shoes that advertise greater muscle activation in the lower body and core to give you a firmer butt and toned legs. It appears that these "proven" claims by such companies as Sketchers, Reebok, and MBT are being disproved by independent studies.

The results of one study in particular found that these shoes make no difference when compared to regular running shoes in muscle activation, caloric expenditure, or even perceived exertion.

Bottom line: Toning shoes don't work. Well, actually, let me rephrase that... Toning shoes won't make a significant difference in your pursuit for a firmer butt and trimmer waistline. There is no substitute for consistent, quality exercise supported by a healthy diet, which will give you results regardless of the shoes you wear. So when picking new shoes, make sure to find a pair that is a good fit for you. The easiest way is to visit a running shoe store that will have you fitted by an expert usually at no additional cost.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sitting Tight

Tip of the Day:
A very common problem for people with desk jobs or spend a lot of time sitting/driving is tight muscles resulting in a loss of flexibility over time. This is particularly true for the hamstrings, hip flexors, upper trapezius and pectoral (chest) muscles. To prevent this from happening to you, get up and move around at least once every hour and stretch daily.

Try these stretches for 4 sets of 30 second holds.

1) Seated Hamstring Stretch

2) Seated Piriformis Stretch

3) Hip Flexor Stretch

4) Upper Trapezius Stretch

5) Pectoral Stretch

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stretch for Strength

Tip of the Day:
Especially if you are new to strength training, doing regular static stretching exercises along with your resistance training program will result in greater strength gains. A recently published study found that when testing for lower body strength improvements among novice weight lifters, those that incorporated regular stretching sessions 2 times per week saw significantly greater results than those that did the strength training only.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another Reason to Work Your Core

Tip of the Day:
If you strive to do a full sit-up but are not quite there yet, skip the "hold my feet down" method and try some slow eccentric strengthening. Start in a seated position with your knees bent. While keeping your feet flat on the ground lower your back down to the ground as slowly as you can. Then tuck your knees to your chest and rock yourself back up to the seated position for your next rep.


A client described to me yet another reason to work your core. She explained that since she has been working with me, particularly with core strengthening, she has not had any problems with.. um.. "leakage." Apparently, especially for the female population, this a concern as you get older. Maintain muscular control through regular exercise and you'll never have to worry about sneezing or laughing too hard again.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Use the Right Muscles

Tip of the Day:
Help ensure that your exercise technique is correct by focusing on using the right muscles. Sounds obvious, but poor lifting habits can be formed simply by ignoring what the exercises are intended to do. Doing a seated row to strengthen your mid and upper back? Then don't make your arms and neck do all the work. Squeeze your lats and pull your shoulder blades together. Doing abdominal exercises for a rock hard six pack? Then don't arch your back and cheat with your hip flexors. Pull your abs in tight and keep them engaged during all exercises. Only go through a range of motion you can control while stabilizing your lower back.

Bottom line, it's better to do an exercise correctly even if that means lowering the resistance or intensity. You'll be safer, more balanced, and more fit in the long run.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

High Intensity Interval Training

Tip of the Day:
Studies have shown that high intensity interval training (HIIT) can be just as effective as longer duration endurance training for cardiorespiratory conditioning and fat burning. Although it is typically associated with running, it can be incorporated into any form of cardio exercise or even resistance training.

What it is: Periods of high intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or lower intensity activity.

Try this basic formula: 5 minute warm-up.    6-8 sets of 60 sec. high-intensity effort followed by 120 sec. of rest.    5 minute cool down.

Some key benefits: Shorter workouts, improved aerobic capacity, increased fat oxidation following workout.


I am starting a new program at Big Vanilla called Quick HIITS. It's a time efficient, kick-butt workout that incorporates high-intensity interval training designed for the on-the-go lifestyle. It'll be half-hour group sessions with time slots open both in the morning and evening throughout the week. Contact me through my website to set up or join a group!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Effective Warm-up for Balance

Tip of the Day:
Incorporate some plank exercises into your warm-up routine before athletic competition or performing complex exercises. A recently published study found that subjects who performed core stabilization exercises prior to balance tests performed significantly better than those who did not.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Beautiful Day

Tip of the Day:
It's a beautiful day today in Maryland. Feeling sluggish? Research shows that outdoor exercise can boost your energy levels even more than indoor exercise. So get outside, move around and enjoy the sun!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time vs. Distance

Tip of the Day:
If you're concerned about moving faster to burn more calories but struggle to do so, don't sweat it too much. You will burn roughly the same number of calories for a given distance regardless of how long it takes you. So if you have the time and prefer the long slow distance approach, you're not missing out in the calorie burning department.


Have you all seen these guys? They're hilarious! Very creative stuff. Honestly, I think these guys have actually found the best use for autotune!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Speed Work

Tip of the Day:
Struggling to improve your run time? Whether you're training for 1 mile, 5 miles, or 26.2, if you are training consistently and are not seeing any improvements then your aerobic endurance may not be what's holding you back. For 4 weeks try incorporating sprint intervals along with leg power exercises in your workouts 1-2 x/week on nonconsecutive days to give you the boost you need.


Sorry but I don't have much to write about here today. Perhaps inspiration will strike soon. And speaking of which, if you have any questions or suggestions for the Tip of the Day or just anything, please feel to contact me and I'd be happy to talk about it!

Anyway, here's a picture of a beach.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Muscle Recovery

Tip of the Day:
As a general rule of thumb give yourself about 48 hours between high intensity workouts of the same muscle groups. For example, if you do heavy squats or lower body plyometrics on Monday wait until at least Wednesday to do them again. With that said, it is still a good idea to do some lighter activities in between. Even if your legs are still really sore, stretching and light walking, biking, or jogging will help with your recovery. By avoiding activity altogether, your muscles may actually remain stiff and sore for a longer period of time. However, muscle soreness lasting longer than four days is not normal and you may be dealing with a more significant injury.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to School

Tip of the Day:
For college students, school will start very soon and life is probably going to get a whole lot busier. When it comes to staying in shape for most students the problem isn't inactivity but just the overabundance of junk food and late night snacking. Obviously there are tons of factors that attribute to college weight gain but here are 5 tips to keep the extra pounds away!

  1. Plan ahead: The best way to avoid bad food decisions is to plan your meals ahead of time. If you live on campus, scout out the dining halls and keep in mind their open hours. If you live off campus, do all of your shopping and preparation beforehand.
  2. Don't skip breakfast: Breakfast literally sets the pace for the day. It will give you the energy you need and will rev up your metabolism so that you burn more calories throughout the day.
  3. Eat often: If you are a one-meal-a-day kind of person, you are not doing yourself any favors. You're forcing your body to conserve energy (calories), making you less active, less focused, and less likely to burn extra calories. Instead, don't let yourself get hungry by eating healthy smaller meals and snacks often throughout the day.
  4. Stay hydrated: Remember to drink lots of water. The average person requires at least 2.5L of water a day. That number is significantly higher for those who are more active. By staying properly hydrated you will have more energy, put less strain on your body, and will keep your metabolism up and your hunger down.
  5. Enjoy yourself: Don't forget to have fun! Students that are more socially active also tend to be more physically active and gain less weight. On the flip side, students that report higher stress levels also tend to gain more weight. Stay active, be sensible about your food (and drink) choices, and don't forget to get some sleep too!


I just have to say, I can't wait for football season!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bridge Jumping

Tip of the Day: If you're having a hard time making a major change in your life, try starting smaller. Small changes are much less daunting and you'll find that they are easier to accomplish. These small successes will lead to having more drive and confidence to tackle the bigger issues.


Yesterday, "Amy" asked me if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would I do it too? I joked that I'd write about it in my blog. Actually, it's interesting to reflect on that question because I've been fortunate enough to have never encountered that situation. I don't even mean in the literal sense, but in that kind of profound example of peer pressure. Of course I've been in countless minor situations of "come do this" or "drink that", and I am pleased to say that I can be pretty headstrong when it comes to that sort of thing, but I can't say I've ever had to choose to "jump off a bridge" or make a life-changing decision brought about by the will of others.
I'm sure that's just me being young and not yet corrupted by the influence of the real world, but it makes me wonder, what would I do?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Live Today

Tip of the Day: Build a solid foundation. If you think about it, your core (abs, lower back, hips...) has the primary function of stability. It's more about resisting movement than it is about creating it. So before you go and attack your next ab workout, keep in mind that just about every exercise should be an exercise for the core too. During any exercise pull your abs in tight, control that neutral curve in your spine and you'll not only feel stronger, you'll protect yourself from injury. Just don't forget to breathe!


I'm sure you've heard the expression, "Live today like there's no tomorrow." To me it just brings a funny image to mind. It's like "carpe diem" in a sort of anarchist, chaotic sense. But I wake up today and instead I like to think that in a way today is a special day. It's Thursday. But unlike any other. It'll never be the same as before and will only happen once. Hopefully I'll make the most of it!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rainy Day

Tip of the Day: Don't let the rain stop you from getting your cardio workout for the day. By incorporating a few simple body-weight exercises into a circuit training workout, you get a combination cardiorespiratory and muscular strength and endurance workout in the comfort of your home. 

Try this basic workout!
Perform each exercise without rest for 1 minute each. After you complete one set of all 6 exercises, rest for 2 minutes. Complete 3 sets.
  1. Squats
  2. Push-ups
  3. Suitcase crunches
  4. Reverse lunges
  5. Bird-Dog
  6. Bicycle crunches
Note: All exercises can be modified to be made easier or more difficult.


It's another rainy day, but luckily I get to work from home today. It's just me and the dogs. By the way, meet Zoey and Max!

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who feel sluggish when it rains. You should see these two. Lazy bums.

On another note, it's crazy how fast the summer has gone by. Everyone's talking about going back to school in the next couple weeks. That means it's going to get busier around the gym soon with families coming home from vacation and free time for parents with kids off to school. It also means Gymkana practices will be starting up soon. My free time is going to disappear REAL quick. It's been nice while it lasted. I kind of wish I were going back to school... forget this working for living thing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gotta Drink Water

I need to make sure that I'm drinking enough water. This morning I had to get up early for work and felt much more sluggish than usual. It could be that I stayed up later than I had hoped to but from personal experience I've noticed that I have a whole lot more energy when I'm more hydrated. Duh, right?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Whoa... I'm a blogger?


So I'll admit, I've always been a little skeptical about blogging. I've never considered myself a writer but maybe that's why I created this blog. I need an alternative to writing the occasional "formal" article to get the info that I want to share out there.... out there to you if you care to listen.

Anyway... more to come later.