Sunday, September 5, 2010

Use the Right Muscles

Tip of the Day:
Help ensure that your exercise technique is correct by focusing on using the right muscles. Sounds obvious, but poor lifting habits can be formed simply by ignoring what the exercises are intended to do. Doing a seated row to strengthen your mid and upper back? Then don't make your arms and neck do all the work. Squeeze your lats and pull your shoulder blades together. Doing abdominal exercises for a rock hard six pack? Then don't arch your back and cheat with your hip flexors. Pull your abs in tight and keep them engaged during all exercises. Only go through a range of motion you can control while stabilizing your lower back.

Bottom line, it's better to do an exercise correctly even if that means lowering the resistance or intensity. You'll be safer, more balanced, and more fit in the long run.


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