Saturday, September 4, 2010

High Intensity Interval Training

Tip of the Day:
Studies have shown that high intensity interval training (HIIT) can be just as effective as longer duration endurance training for cardiorespiratory conditioning and fat burning. Although it is typically associated with running, it can be incorporated into any form of cardio exercise or even resistance training.

What it is: Periods of high intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or lower intensity activity.

Try this basic formula: 5 minute warm-up.    6-8 sets of 60 sec. high-intensity effort followed by 120 sec. of rest.    5 minute cool down.

Some key benefits: Shorter workouts, improved aerobic capacity, increased fat oxidation following workout.


I am starting a new program at Big Vanilla called Quick HIITS. It's a time efficient, kick-butt workout that incorporates high-intensity interval training designed for the on-the-go lifestyle. It'll be half-hour group sessions with time slots open both in the morning and evening throughout the week. Contact me through my website to set up or join a group!


  1. Sounds like tons of fun....and like it would burn!

  2. This is great training and a KILLER.
