Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good Luck, Paige!

I wish Paige Clark the best of luck this weekend as she competes as a finalist for the Miss Maryland Teen USA title!

She has worked very hard and I know that she'll be awesome!

Friday, October 22, 2010

ACL Injury Prevention

Tip of the Day:
The risk of ACL injury, especially in females, in non-contact activities is highly related to hip and core strength and stability. Recent research suggests that the single most significant attributor to ACL injury in a change of direction movement is hip adduction, so incorporating hip abductor strengthening exercises is critical to any ACL injury prevention plan.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Snack Attack

Tip of the Day:
Although it is unclear whether or not exercise makes you want to eat more, there is no doubt that your body needs energy and nutrients following a workout. Be sure to consume a nutrient-dense snack or meal that includes protein and complex carbohydrates along with plenty of water after every workout. Preferably within an hour after you finish exercising. This will aid your body in its recovery, give you the energy you need, and will keep you from overeating later on.


I've recently deactivated my Facebook account. This is probably temporary, but I am looking to minimize distractions.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Introduction to Interval Training Seminar

Tip of the Day:
A recent article in CNN cited research that found that insufficient sleep could actually work against you for weight loss. It found that participants who got 8.5 hours/night of sleep on average lost 55% more body fat than those that only got 5.5 hours/night even when given the same diet, nutritional supplements and participated in similar physical activity.


Check out my free 1-hour seminar at the Big Vanilla in Arnold for a presentation on interval training followed by an intense 30-minute workout.

You must pre-register at the front desk or contact me here!

Here's a flyer for your viewing pleasure.

Good day!