Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Meal

Tip of the Day:
Did you know that according to the American Council on Exercise, the average person consumes about 3000 calories in one Thanksgiving meal alone and about 4500 calories throughout the day? Keep in mind that although one meal probably won't make or break your diet, you may be in trouble if you allow your Thanksgiving "meal" to span the time from 11AM to 6 PM. Go ahead and splurge for one meal, but just be conscious of it and you'll be able to get right back to your diet and fitness routine the next day without missing a step.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kids Play

Tip of the Day:
If you are concerned about your child's fitness level, understand that children don't respond well to structured exercise programs because they don't understand them. To kids, exercise for the sake of exercise is tedious and resembles homework. Exercise for children needs to be organic, a natural course of daily life. In other words, exercise shouldn't be the objective but rather the byproduct of living. Whether it's through play, sport, errands or family activities, the key is to provide the opportunities, or better yet, be the role model for an active lifestyle. And keep in mind, kids that spend more time playing outdoors are statistically healthier, happier, and more social.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Substitute for Sour Cream

Tip of the Day:
If you just can't go without sour cream on your mexican food, try substituting it with plain non-fat Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has a similar taste and creaminess as sour cream while being a much healthier option.

Here is the breakdown:

1 oz Serving    Sour Cream   Non-fat Greek Yogurt  
Calories60 17
Total Fat 5g 0g
Saturated Fat 3.5g 0g
Cholesterol 20mg 0mg
Carbohydrates 1g 1.2g
Protein1g 3g


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I ♡ Resistance Training

Tip of the Day:
Resistance training (weight training, strength training) is great for the cardiovascular system. It should be an essential component along with aerobic exercise, diet modification, and stress management in preventing hypertension due to its benefit of lowering blood pressure. Cardiovascular strain is proportional to your percentage of maximal strength involved during an activity. So the stronger you are, the less stress you will put on your heart throughout the day.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Variety for Consistency

Tip of the Day:
Consistent progress towards your fitness goals is highly dependent on continually challenging your body to avoid staleness. Similar to medication, your body will adapt and become less affected by the same type and dosage of exercise over time. If you have been stuck with the same workout for months now, chances are your body stopped seeing results a long time ago. So add variety. Whether it's changing the intensity, duration or even mode of exercise, your body will respond to change.
