Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Everyone has problems. Everyone fails. Real genius is revealed with how you handle it. Use your problems, conflicts, complaints, failures... Use them to get better, whether it's at work or personally. If you step up and view your problems as opportunities for growth, all of a sudden your problems become a powerful tool in your pursuit of greatness. For every complaining customer, in every fight in a relationship, in every flaw in your "perfect plan" there is a chance to excel and never err the same way again. Embrace it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Live Like Spongebob

I'm sharing in my own words a chapter out of Robin Sharma's book The Greatness Guide that discusses 4 life lessons we could all learn from Spongebob Squarepants.

#1 Be the eternal optimist
If you look for the best in any situation, you will find it. You cannot control the actions of anyone else. You can only control your own. Be the most optimistic person you know and you will empower yourself and those around you.

#2 Value people
Respect and appreciate the people around you, even those that are most difficult. Your true value is determined by the value you bring to others.

#3 Be an original
Be one of a kind. Don't give up your dreams by following the crowd.

#4 Laugh and have fun
There is no point in being "successful" and unhappy. The true measure of success in life is the pursuit and attainment of happiness. So celebrate living and take time to do the things that fulfill you.